A Few Observations
この中で私が個人的に面白いなと思ったのは、第2段落の第1センテンスである。 まさにここに書いてあるとおりである。 こんなことを書くとまた「余計なことを書くな」と怒られそうだが、この傾向は1年ほど前から続いていて、これこそが直近数ヶ月においてそれまで一見ロバストに効いていた様々なモデルやシステムがサッパリ使えなくなったと多くの人が思っている原因だと私は思っている。 個人的な体験から言って、ここ数週間の激変期においてもこれを考慮したモデルは驚くべき安定性を維持した。
なおこの件はなにもVictorのこのコラムが初出ではなくて、これまでにもネット上でも複数の人(私の知る限り全て機関投資家の人である)が指摘してきたが、個人投資家の間ではなぜかほとんど話題になることはなかった。 ざっと目を通したがVictorのこのコラムに書き込まれているコメントにもそれに関心を置いた記述はないので、日米を問わず一般的にはそれがとても重要な要素であるという認識はないのかも知れぬ。
A Few Observations, from Victor Niederhoffer : Daily Speculations1. Of the 100 biggest markets around the world, almost all are down 40- 60% in dollar terms with the exceptions' being Tunisia and Botswana. The impact of the decline this week, unless rapidly reversed, is going to be very severe on purchases. The previous 20% caused great angst; imagine what this decline will do to those who rely on retirements. The positive feedback of the decline in a negative direction also impacts the election results with every market decline making it more likely the Republicans will be blamed for the situation.
2. The worst aspect of the decline this week from a health point of view was that fixed income around the world cratered, thereby reducing world wealth by a good 15% as opposed to the normal situation where the equities go down 10% and the fixed incomes go up 8% leaving total wealth down only a little. And the people that talked about how bearish it was for stocks because commodities were up would never say that it's bullish now because commodities are down 40% over the past four months.3. A new word should enter the market vocabulary, a waterboarding decline, being a decline that seems to have a breath of life at the open before going into a death spiral.
4. Because of the decline in all sectors, the wealth/price ratio has stayed relatively constant with corn, copper, soybeans, wheat and oil down 40- 50% since June 30, thereby keeping the number of bushels and barrels we can buy with one DJIA relatively constant, making the number of ounces of gold you can buy with the Dow less than 10 for the first time in a googol, and looking like a bargain for the Dow.
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